History of Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Structure
Saturday: 10 am – 4pm.
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Chamber Structure
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History of the Chamber of Commerce
As long as commerce has existed, traders have banded together for the common protection against enemies, to govern the conduct of trade, and later to exert influence on legislation.
The first known use of the term “chamber of commerce” occurred in Marseilles, France, where such an organization was established by the city council toward the close of the 17th century. From this beginning, chambers of commerce spread to Germany, and then throughout Europe.
European chambers have little parallel with the American organization. They frequently operate as quasi-public agencies, with administrative and judicial powers with respect to trade.
The oldest chamber of commerce on the American continent is that of the State of New York, chartered by King George III, in 1770. The establishment of the New York Chamber was a direct result of the Stamp Act that was passed by Parliament in 1765.
The first local chamber of commerce was founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1773. By 1870, the number of local chambers had increased to 40. The early American, like their European prototypes, were associations of tradesmen, organized for the protection and promotion of commerce.
In the United States, early chambers promoted the sale of goods, organized markets, made and enforced rules of trade, protected goods in transit, and even operated their own trading floors. But their activities were limited to those directly connected with commerce.
The emergence of the chamber as a true community organization came much later, as businessmen began to realize that their own prosperity depended on the development of a prosperous community.
In the 1950s and 1960s, chambers placed major emphasis on industrial recruitment and job creation activities. As we entered the 1970s, 80s, and 90s major problems with inadequate housing, schools, community services, and high unemployment, the role of chambers of commerce expanded to socioeconomic concerns.
The chamber of commerce of the 21st Century can no longer just ask its members, “What do you want your chamber to do?” Instead, it needs to ask, “What kind of a community do we want our to be?”
In a fast-paced, constantly changing global marketplace, today’s modern chambers are becoming more active in government affairs, realizing that many of the problems facing them can best be dealt with in the legislative arena.
The basic mission of the chamber of commerce is to create and promote a climate where business can operate in a productive and profitable manner.
About us
History of Chamber of Commerce
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Chamber StructureThe Board of Directors serves as the policy-making body of the Chamber. Its members represent the business and professional leadership of the community. The Board consists of twelve members. Six are elected one year and six are elected the next year for two-year terms each. Four are designated members. The Chairman of the Board presides over all meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee exercises the powers of the Board between those times when Board meetings are held. The Executive Committee consists of the Chairman of the Board, Treasurer, Board Counsel, Past Chairman of the Board and Vice Chairs of the three main divisions of the Chamber. The committees of the Chamber harness the energies and abilities of our volunteer workers. Committees are responsible to the Board of Directors and report to the Board. Committee action is advisory only, and does not become Chamber policy without Board approval.
About us
History of Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Structure
Why join the Chamber? |
How Does The Chamber Work?The Chamber is organized to focus attention and initiate private sector action on the major issues affecting the economic well-being and quality of life in the area. As it is a private, non-profit association supported largely by its members, membership investments and contributions provide the resources for Chamber programs. The Chamber receives no direct government funding. The policies and
programs of the Chamber are determined by its Board of Directors. They, in
turn, select a paid, full-time chief executive whose basic function is to
organize and execute the Chamber's programs. The chief executive assembles
a professional staff to assist in supporting the membership.
About usHistory of Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Structure
What Does The Chamber Do?The variety and scope of Chamber activities are unlimited. The Chamber represents and promotes the area's business economy, and encourages business and industrial investment, broadening the tax base and providing employment. To business prospects and newcomers, the Chamber represents the community’s pride and self image. Chambers of commerce are increasingly involved in non-commercial areas, such as education, human relations, environmental, cultural and governmental concerns. These challenges have caused Chambers of Commerce to become a viable force in seeking solutions to today’s social problems. Chambers of Commerce influence national, state and local legislation affecting business. |
About us
History of Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Structure
What does the Chamber Do? |
Who Finances the Chamber?
The Chamber of Commerce is a business and it incurs costs of operations and expenses similar to any other type of business. Those expenses are apportioned among its members, individuals and firms, representing all types of business, industry and the professions. All share a mutual desire to achieve a better community for all its citizens. Chamber of commerce membership is an investment in the present and future welfare of both individuals and their community.
About us
History of Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Structure
Why Join the Chamber?
The Chamber of Commerce is the salesman for its community and businesses-unceasingly promoting their products and services-and tat the same time is their watchdog-protecting their interests particularly in the political arena. The united voice of the Chamber of Commerce has often proven effective and beneficial to business where a single voice can go unheard. The benefit of belonging to the Chamber is full-time representation and year-round results.
If you’re interested in getting more information or joining the Chamber, click here. |